Trigger Warning: In this episode, we cover topics related to miscarriage, eating disorders and other mental health challenges. While we do talk about issues relating to food and body, some episodes may be more emotionally challenging or difficult and may make you uncomfortable. If the podcast feels triggering in any way, please turn it off and get the appropriate help. Remember, I am not a doctor, but an eating recovery coach. Enjoy the episode!
As you overcome the struggles you’ve had with food and your body you may have to start to process emotions and learn to feel feelings that you’ve never felt before. It’s hard, and it’s definitely scary. Today’s guest is someone who has dealt with that and she was astonished by the feelings and emotions that came up that she used to numb out. In this episode, I talk with FFM client, Vanessa. Vanessa’s struggles with food and her body came at a very young age and it was something she navigated throughout most of her life. In this episode, we talk about her devastating experience with miscarriage, how her relationship with food and her body has changed since joining FFM and the power in telling your story.
In this episode:
- Where Vanessa was at with food and her body before finding FFM
- Navigating through her parent’s divorce and using binging to numb her pain
- The ups and downs of her food and body struggles
- The tipping point where she realized she needed to make some changes
- How she stumbled across Jessi on Instagram
- The power in telling your own story
- How her relationship with food changed when she came into the course
- Learning to feel and process emotions that she’d never felt before
- Having a whole new network of women to support her
- How her view on her body image has changed
- Her experience of going through a miscarriage
- Giving yourself permission to grieve without numbing out
- What helped Vanessa get to the point where she liked her body
- The relationship and trust she’s cultivated with her body
- How her life has changed as a result of the relationship with her food and body changing
- Her advice for any woman going through a miscarriage
- Why it’s worth fighting for yourself
Vanessa’s Instagram
Update** We now offer something EVEN better than the Morning Routine Challenge. Sign up for Jessi’s VIP email list to receive exclusive content: PDF’s, tips, videos & more all designed to bring you closer to mental freedom with food! Click here to sign up!
Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Book your free strategy call to see if The Food Freedom Online Program is a good fit for you:
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!