Right now there’s so much uncertainty and fear. It feels like everywhere we turn there’s more news about the Coronavirus and we don’t know what will happen next. As we all practice social distancing, many people are feeling uneasy about the current state of the world. In this episode, Jessi shares a few tips for how to stay sane during social distancing. She talks about using this time to slow down, rest, reflect and ultimately spend time with those in your immediate family. She makes suggestions for connecting with friends via video chats and getting your body moving. She also discusses why you should maintain a routine as much as possible even when working from home (and shares a thank you for all of the people who are working right now to help hold together our world).
In this episode:
- How conscious breaths can help you to regulate your nervous system and get grounded
- A thank you for everyone holding together our world right now
- Releasing from trying to plan the future
- Enjoying the present moment
- Why you need to maintain a routine as much as you can
- Avoiding the news first thing in the morning and taking it in in small doses
- How our tendency for control can cause us to spiral out of control
- Using this time to slow down, rest, reflect and spend time with family
- Making it a point to get connected with people
- Jessi’s tips for avoiding cabin fever
- Get outside and get some vitamin d
- Moving your body in whatever way makes you happy
- Allowing herself to move slower and not accomplish as much
- Feeling into your body and practicing coping difficult emotions without numbing out
- Getting aware of the things you think about on a daily basis and coming up with a replacement thought
- Why you should keep getting ready even if you’re working from home
- Journaling about what makes you feel safe and grounded
- Shifting your focus outward and helping those who need support
- Making your home a sanctuary
Update** We now offer something EVEN better than the Morning Routine Challenge. Sign up for Jessi’s VIP email list to receive exclusive content: PDF’s, tips, videos & more all designed to bring you closer to mental freedom with food! Click here to sign up!
Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Book your free strategy call to see if The Food Freedom Online Program is a good fit for you: www.foodfreedomonlineprogram.com
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!