Thursday Apr 02, 2020
052 - HER STORY - Overcoming Drugs, Alcohol, Adderall & Anorexia With Lisa
Trigger Warning: In this episode, we cover topics related to eating disorders, alcohol, drugs and other mental health challenges. While we do talk about issues relating to food and body, some episodes may be more emotionally challenging or difficult and may make you uncomfortable. If the podcast feels triggering in any way, please turn it off and get the appropriate help. Remember, I am not a doctor, but an eating recovery coach. Enjoy the episode!
Like so many people, Lisa’s struggles with food and her body started at a young age. She remembers growing up and how a well-intentioned comment caused her to begin the cycles of restricting food. In this episode, Jessi and Lisa discuss Lisa’s experience with navigating through this from late childhood, into her teen years, through college and beyond. They talk about how she fell into using drugs like Adderall to give herself more control over restricting food, her struggle with Anorexia and the cycles of binging and restricting. Lisa shares how her life and relationships were impacted by this and how she found Jessi and the FFM. She tells her experience of joining the course, how her body image has shifted and how her relationship with food and her body has changed for the better.
In this episode:
- What prompted her struggles with food and body
- Finding herself slowly gaining weight
- Starting the cycle of attempting to restrict her eating
- Realizing that food was way more than a physical sensation for her and feeling controlled by food
- Trying to find herself in college and dealing with an eating disorder
- Using Adderall to help herself restrict food
- The cycles of binging and restricting from food
- How connecting to faith helped her to get on a better path
- The reality of how what she was doing was affecting her health
- Knowing that something had to change
- Not letting her husband in on her struggles
- How she found the FFM and her fears about joining
- The impact of the community aspect in the course
- What happened in her relationship with food after joining the FFM
- How her breakthroughs have come incrementally through the course
- Where Lisa sees herself going from here and how she feels about her body image
- Why she decided to commit to the Rise with Me Live event
- What mountain top living means to Lisa
**Update** We now offer something EVEN better then the Morning Routine Challenge. Sign up for Jessi’s VIP email list to receive exclusive content: PDF’s, tips, videos & more all designed to bring you closer to mental freedom with food! Click here to sign up!
Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Click here to learn more information about The Food Freedom Online Program.
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!