In this episode, Jessi is joined by a past Food Freedom Online Program client, Rachel. Rachel is filled with light and love, her journey from starting her first diet at the young age of 13 to now having complete food and body freedom is incredible. You will be incredibly inspired and empowered to heal your relationship with food and set a remarkable example for other women all over the world.
In this episode:
- Rachel shares about how her struggles with food and body began at the young age of 13
- Rachel shares how others praise, comments and approval based on her appearance kept her going back to the dieting, restricting, binge cycle
- Rachel shares who a huge motivator to healing her relationship with food was her daughter, Clementine
- Rachel and Jessi share what they wish they knew when they were younger struggling with food + body
- Rachel shares how she once used to have anxiety over food and food choices and now how it doesn’t even phase her!
- Jessi shares that it is actually normal to like binge eating and not want to give it up
- Jessi explains what neuro pathways are in the brain
- Rachel shares what the most beneficial aspects of the Food Freedom Online Program were for her
- Rachel shares how she know has so much more mental space for her family, business and life
- Rachel shares how she wants to be a part of this body positive movement and help other women feel confident in their own skin
Join me for The Food Freedom Online Program. This class is for those who know they want to improve their relationship with food and their body, but are afraid of spiraling out-of-control and want a proven, step-by-step system to go from feeling crazy around food to normal again!
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!