How can we be the most connected of all time yet have the highest rates of depression & loneliness? In this episode, Jessi dives into what true connection is and how we all want to be fully heard, seen and known. She shares tangible tips on what you can do this Holiday season to feel a little less alone and more connected. You’ll leave feeling encouraged to reach out to others and equipped to process challenging emotions.
In this episode:
4:00- Jessi shares her experience with loneliness and friendships
7:30- Loneliness isn’t always about physically being alone, although it can be. It’s more about being heard, seen and truly known.
12:15- Jessi shares how she navigates challenging times and truly lets other in to support her
15:00- Loneliness, sadness & intense emotions are not something that we need to be afraid of
15:30- How to stop being emotionally constipation and release anxiety
20:00- We are worthy enough to meet our needs
25:30- The importance of practicing letting go & surrendering
28:00- How to start feeling more connected & less lonely
38:30- Rising up in strength & bossing up!
39:30- How do we keep our connection cup full during this pandemic
Questions from this episode:
Are you opening yourself up for connection?
Are you letting yourself be heard, seen & known?
How can you become a wise care taker for your soul?
What does your inner child need most right now?
Are you allowing others to support you and see your mess?
Are you extending others grace when you see their mess?
Remember to sign for Jessi’s VIP email list here where she shares exclusive content, PDF's + other tools. *You don’t want to miss the 1st email which includes an EPIC workbook guide for alll my visual gals on Nervous System Regulation!
Join me for The Food Freedom Online Program. This class is for those who know they want to improve their relationship with food and their body, but are afraid of spiraling out-of-control and want a proven, step-by-step system to go from feeling crazy around food to normal again!
You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it. If you’re ready to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome to The Dear Body Podcast! Our mission is to help driven women have an easy and effortless relationship with food and unshakeable self-confidence in their own body. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode & learn more about us here!