Have you ever had those sneaky voices of self doubt enter your mind. Thoughts of… Am I going to be the ONE who this doesn’t work for? That can’t do it? (Whatever you're feeling called to pursue)
We all struggle with self doubt at times. It can look like imposter syndrome, procrastination, indecisiveness or self sabotage. When you overthink, you hesitate. You become paralyzed by inaction. You negotiate yourself out of something that you once felt a strong conviction to pursue. And the more you stay in this place the more it erodes your sense of confidence. Jessi shares 5 steps to overcome this crippling self-doubt and embody the qualities desire. At the end of the episode, Jessi guides you through a powerful meditation to release the fear & move forward with a deep sense of trust.
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Are you ready to end the fight with food once and for all? Click here to learn more information about The Food Freedom Online Program.
For more information, tips and strategies follow Jessi on Tik Tok & Instagram @jessijeannn